The path to be wise is in knowledge, as every lesson learnt builds character and molds you to be better than you were.
Dr. Cleopas Kundiona

Umaa Group Of Institutions

Umaa Institute for International Courses
Academics Institutions
Tertiary Institution
Academics Institutions
Boarding Schools
Day School
Tertiary Institution
School of Technical Studies - Harare Msasa
Our Institutions
Umaa Group of institutions was established in 1988 in Marondera with its core principle centered on training and developing the community as a means of empowerment. The Institution began as a training facility for Martial arts, Secretarial studies, Dressmaking and Driving school. The Campus quickly evolved and was known as Umaa Institute for International Courses as it began to offer international qualifications.
Umaa Group of Institutions has 4 campuses with 3 campuses focusing on Secondary level academic qualifications and 1 campus for professional courses. Among the 3 campuses that offer Secondary level education 2 are boarding schools and 1 is a day campus.
Umaa Institute Zimbabwe
Umaa Mission College
Umaa Institute Harare
Umaa Institute for International Courses
Established in 1988,
Umaa Institute Zimbabwe has educated over 12'300 students across Southern Africa.
This is our first and oldest campus
This campus offers both Cambridge and Zimsec
It is a boarding school for both girls and boys with no day scholars.
The campus is a formal school
We offer Junior, Ordinary and Advanced levels
Established in 2019,
Umaa Mission school began as a philanthropic duty towards those affected by cyclone Idai that left students with no place to learn.
This is our newest campus
This campus offers just Cambridge
It is a boarding school for both girls and boys with no day scholars.
The campus is in a rural environment with all the benefits of an urban school
We offer Junior, Ordinary and Advanced levels
Established in 2004,
Umaa Institute Harare is a specialized school that adopts a customized approach to learning.
This is our Second Campus
This campus offers Cambridge as a partner school to the British Council
It is a Day school for both girls and boys (only for day scholars).
The campus use a individualistic approach to learning
We offer Junior, Ordinary and Advanced levels
Established in 1988,
This institution has hosted and taught students from in and around the SADC region.
School of Business Science
School of Agriculture
School of technical Courses
The Principal's Welcome,
Welcome to Umaa Group of institutions. Umaa's primary objective is to mold leaders and train the future of our global community. As a group of institutions we aim to train and equip our community with a skill set that will assist them in broadening their future horizons as we focus also on the individual, spiritual, mental , and physical aspects of our students. We see education as a right to every child and we believe that every child is destined for greatness as all pupil are equal regardless of race, tribe, gender, creed, colour or physical status.
Umaa was established in 1988 as my fulfilled dream and I have made it my mission to develop my community so that they can reach out to the world. As part of the legacy of Umaa, we have molded countless success stories that now form the proud history of this wonderful institution. I salute my fellow colleagues, staff, Umaanians and Graduates for making Umaa a success. UMAA PEACE.

​​Dr. C. Kundiona
​Principle & Founder
Umaa Institute Harare
23 Neil Avenue, Beverly East,
Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe